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What are Jobs? What Kinds are there?Jobs are an easy way for players to earn in-game money that can be used to purchase all sorts of things! No matter what kind of player you are, there are plenty of Jobs that suit the ways everyone plays! Click on one of the jobs below for more information about them! Brewer Earn money for brewing potions. Builder Earn money for building structures. Crafter Earn money for crafting items. Digger Earn money for terraforming the world. Enchanter Earn money for enchanting things. Explorer Earn money for exploring the world. Farmer Earn money for farming crops. Fisherman Earn money for fishing. Hunter Earn money for dealing with animals and monsters. Miner Earn money for mining minerals and ores. Weaponsmith Earns money from crafting and repairing weapons. Woodcutter Earn money for felling and planting trees.
Tell me more about the Brewer job.dsadsa
How do I make a shop?Stand inside a land claim you have permission to build in. Grab at least one of the item you intend to sell. Crouch and right click on either a chest, barrel, or enderchest. Enter in chat how much you would like to sell one of that item for.
What am I allowed to sell in my shop?While the plugin we use works with physical items, your shops don't need to be limited to that! Get creative with your shop and what you sell. Maybe you have a water elevator building service, or maybe you sell custom made haikus. The possibilities are endless!
How many shops can I have?As many as you can want! Keep in mind it costs $100 (in-game money)! This is done to deter people from making a needless amount of shops.
How do I change my shops to a buying shop?By default, shops are set to sell shops. Meaning you are selling the item listed. But you can change them to a BUY shop by looking at the shop and entering /qs buy.
How do I join/leave a Party?/party join <playername> [password] Joins the party belonging to the specified player. Make sure to add the optional password if there is one for that party! /party quit Leaves the party you are currently in.
How do I create/delete a party?/party create <party name> [password] Creates a party with the specified party name and optional password. If you do not give your party a password, anyone will be able to join it by default. /Party disband Disbands the party you are the leader of.
What is McMMOMcMMO stands for Minecraft Massively Multiplayer Online. It's the name of the plugin on Pinecraft that is used to introduce RPG-like skills in the server. Essentially, the more you do things on the server, the better you get a doing those things. (And even unlock special skills at higher levels!) It also introduces the ability to form parties with your friends which can provide special abilities and bonuses. Because who doesn't love adventuring with friends? Try /party HELP to see some info about parties!
How do I teleport to my party members?/ptp <party member name> Teleports to the specified party member. This is unlocked at party level 2. The /ptp command is different from /tpask in that it does not require permission of the other player.
What are skills?Depending on how much a certain tool is used or a certain actions are performed, players will gain experience in those skills that will eventually add bonuses such as double drops, rare drops, or ability enhancement. The skills that you can level up in in Pinecraft include: Mining Woodcutting Herbalism Excavation Fishing Unarmed Combat Archery Swords Axes Taming Repair Acrobatics Alchemy Salvaging Smelting
How do I view information about my party?/party OR /party info
How do make someone else the leader of my party?/party OWNER [player name] Transfers ownership of the party to the specified player. If you do this you will no longer have access to owner commands for that party like kicking people so make sure you mean to do this!
How do I change who is in my party?/Party invite <player name> Sends an invite to the player to join the party /Party <kick> [player name] Removes the specified player from your party. /Party lock & /Party Unlock These will toggle whether your party is locked or not. If your party is unlocked, anyone can join it by typing /party join <party leader name>. If your party is locked, players can only join it via an invite, or if they know the password.
How do I make/use Magic Elevators?Magic Elevators are a super easy and useful way to get up and down really quickly. Learn more from this short video!
How many pets can I have?By default, you can have up to three pets. But only one of them can be out at a time.
How do I tame a pet?In order to tame a pet, you have to deliver a killing blow to it with a lead in your hand. Keep in mind, mobs that can be tamed in vanilla, like horses, dogs, ect. have to be tamed in their respective manner first before killing them with a lead.
I tried to tame a pet, but it didn't work! What happened?Here's a few common issues: You cannot tame a new pet if you currently have one out. Do /pet sendaway to send your pet to storage. You must deliver the killing blow to a pet with a lead in your hand. You can damage it with other things but the final blow has to be with a lead or it wont work. If you don't have a server rank, you are limited to 3 pets. You can select a pet with /pet switch to switch to a pet you don't want and then /pet release to free your pet No, you can't have the Ender Dragon as a pet. Kudos for trying though! Certain mobs that can be tamed in vanilla Minecraft have to be tamed before they can be turned into a pet. Make sure you tame them first, otherwise you will just kill them!
What does my pet eat?In Pinecraft, your pets can take damage and die, so make sure to keep them fed and happy! But not all mobs eat the same thing. Click here an alphabetical list of all the pets you can have on Pinecraft, and what they eat!
Why did my lead disappeared when I tamed a pet?That's normal. When you tame a pet in Pinecraft, the pet "absorbs" the lead as proof that you tamed it.
What can I have as a pet?With the exception of the ender dragon, you can have every single mob type in the game as a pet. Just so long as you can kill them in the first place!
Is this a pay-to-win server?Nope! In accordance to Minecraft's TOS, The ranks on Pinecraft do not give players an unfair advantage over others, and there is no item that can be bought with real world money that would give any player an unfair advantage either.
Why is TNT now blowing things up?TNT is very commonly used as an easy method of griefing not only peoples homes and land, but also of wantonly destroying the world for the sake of destruction. As a way to combat this, TNT explosions (as well as creeper explosions) does not drop blocks, and is reversed shortly after blowing up. However, we understand the desire for blast mining. So we have enabled TNT expositions within claimed areas. You can click here to find out more information on Land Claims here!
What version of Minecraft is the server on?Currently, Pinecraft runs on Minecraft version 1.18.2
What is the server IP?The server IP is
Is Pinecraft a modded server?Nope! In an effort to make Pinecraft as easily accessible to everyone, there is no need to download any mods in order to play. Although, we would recommend using the Optifine mod to make Minecraft run smoother.
How to I apply to be a staff member?Pinecraft is always happy to add new people to our ever-expanding family! You more information about our staff team and how to apply can be found here. We look forward to meeting you!
How do I change my claims permissions?There's a few ways you can alter who can do what in your claim. Here's a few of them! After each of these commands, you would insert the name of the players you want it to effect, OR you can type "all" to effect all players. Make sure you are standing in the claim you want to effect, otherwise it will effect all of your claims! /Trust OR /T Gives another player permission to edit in your claim. /UnTrust OR /ut Revokes any permissions granted to a player in your claim. /AccessTrust OR /at Gives a player permission to use your buttons, levers, and beds. /ContainerTrust OR /ct Gives a player permission to use your buttons, levers, beds, crafting gear, containers, and animals
What does it mean to claim land?Land claims are a super useful way to protect your land and the things that are important to you from other players!
I don't remember where my claim was and I didn't save a home there! Help!Don't worry! While you may not remember where your claims are, we do! Type /claimlist or /claimslist to open up a list of all of your current claims and block coordinates to them.
How do I get more claim blocks?The easiest way is by playing! Players will automatically be given more claim blocks over time just by playing on the server. So get out there and have fun!
How do I claim land?First things first. In order to claim land, you'll need the land claim tool. On Pinecraft, that's a golden shovel. If you don't have one, don't worry! If you type the command /kit claimkit you will be given all the tools you need! After getting the tools, right click on the ground to make one corner, then right click somewhere else to make the other! It's that simple! Tip: A claim area effects the entire Y axis but that doesn't count for the amount of blocks you're claiming. So don't worry about your claim area being flat!
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